
Welcome to FurryMate, where real Furry relationships begin! Don’t believe us? Then check out some of these guys and gals to see what great success they have achieved thanks to FurryMate. FurryMate.com is your premier Furry Dating and Relationship site. We work hard to bring you a safe, comfortable and fun environment to meet and interact. With FurryMate’s personal messaging, advanced looking, and app that is instant it really is now easier then ever discover your furry match. With a huge number of people creating a huge furry munity, and furry new furries registering daily, you will never know who dating will dsicover. Whether seeking a friend that is app cross country. Furrymate can be a hookup or serious-dating site. It depends on the people who join the community. The gender proportion is very similar, putting men slightly above women 54% to 46%. On Furrymate, you can look for sex, but the truth is that the member pool is not awash with perverts. Members prefer a sincere but straightforward chat.

  1. Furry Material By The Yard
  2. Furrymate.com
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Author(s) ?
Status Online
Launch date 2011
Genre Social network service, dating website

FurryMate is an online furrysocial networking and online dating service.


Due to an unexpected level of interest during its initial launch, the site was forced to shut down in order to upgrade its servers. The site relaunched at the end of May 2011. A June 12 2011 news post stated 'We have grown to almost 4000 members in under two weeks'.[citation needed] A December 2011 news post stated 'we already have 12,000 members'.[citation needed]

FurryMate describes itself:

Founded in 2011 in Montreal, Canada, FurryMate.com is your premier Furry Dating and Relationship site. We work hard to bring you a safe, comfortable and fun environment to meet and interact. We are the only Furry Dating website that encourages real relationships to flourish.[1]

Services and fees[edit]

To effectively use FurryMate's features, users must subscribe to the service and pay a monthly membership fee.[citation needed] Non-paying users are severely limited in that they may send messages yet cannot read any received messages.[2]

the main page initial image design was by MushyMutt.

Mainstream media coverage[edit]

  • 14 Weirdest (REAL) Dating Sites article on SMOSH (#14: FurryMate.com)
  • Crazy dating trends we hope go away on MSN
  • New Trekkie dating site already has plenty of competition article on The Daily Dot (Furrymate.com and Pounced.org)
  • WSJ branding datapoint of the day article on Reuters


FurryMate has fallen under heavy scrutiny and backlash for its use of fake accounts bots[citation needed] to send messages to their members to entice them into upgrading to paid accounts.[clarify][citation needed]


These bots messages look legit,[citation needed] informing members that someone wants to speak to them,[citation needed] and that they should subscribe to the service to be able to read their messages.[3][4]


  1. About us page in the Furry Mate website. Retrieved June 12, 2011.
  2. FAQ page in the Furry Mate website. Retrieved December 31, 2013.
  3. Furries share worries about pay-dating fraud: spotlight on FurFling.com - Patch Packrat, Flayrah. Retrieved December 18, 2014.
  4. Revisiting fake furry dating sites - comment by Dragoneer on Reddit thread. Retrieved December 18, 2014.

See also[edit]

Furry Material By The Yard

External links[edit]

  • FurryMate on Facebook
  • FurryMate on Tumblr
  • FurryMate on Twitter
  • FurryMate on Wordpress
  • FurryMate on YouTube
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